Sunday 21 August 2011

In which I explain my long absence and make promises I'll hopefully keep.

Update your calendars: August 21, 2011 marks my triumphant return to blogging. I've recently been longing for an outlet that isn't a) Museos Unite, b) Twitter, or c) my top sekrit Tumblr (which isn't actually secret, just not linked with my name so that it doesn't come up in Google searches for me). Silly Kirsten, don't you remember how you link-squatted your own name on Blogger? And then made 2 entries and never looked at it again?

Well I've remembered now, so perhaps I'll start updating again. First up: an account of last Thursday's tweetup at the American Museum of Natural History. I got to touch a giant squid! (That wasn't the account, that was a teaser.) After that, who knows. I might talk about politics and writing and sexuality and religion and other things you're not supposed to discuss in polite society. Because this isn't polite society; this is the Internet.